
Western Sporting Precinct Site Analysis

August 11, 2022

Western Sporting Precinct Site Analysis

The Western Sporting Precinct is located on the western side of Moranbah, Central Queensland, and is the home to a number of sporting clubs, including Moranbah Motorcycle Riders Club, Moranbah Pistol Club, Moranbah Race Club, Moranbah Kart Racing Association, and Moranbah Horse & Pond Club.

The Western Sporting Precinct plays a significant social and sporting role within the Moranbah community and the Central Queensland region, providing opportunities for diverse experiences in the community.

Wall Planning & Environmental Consulting are proud to have been able to carry out a comprehensive site analysis, as a precursor to a Master Plan, to assist the Isaac Regional Council to identify what aspects of the recreational site would best benefit from upgrades to ensure continued enjoyment by community and tourists for generations to come.

This site analysis identified:

  • The site and its significance
  • The site’s rich history
  • The owners and users of the site
  • It’s place within the planning scheme and corporate plan
  • Existing facilities
  • Opportunities and constraints
  • A trend analysis

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