
Nebo Showgrounds Master Plan

August 11, 2022

The Nebo Showgrounds are one of the Isaac Regional Council’s most utilised recreational facilities, with several local community user groups and many regular users.

The Wall Planning & Environmental Consulting team in partnership with Isaac Regional Council (IRC) have developed a master plan that will support dynamic economic and social opportunities that attract visitors from across the Region, the Nation and the World, whilst respecting the iconic history of the site.

The process includes community consultation with local residents and key user groups by way of multiple open invitation consultations (including SWOT exercises, experience discussions, review of submissions and draft Master Plan), creation of a survey and collation of survey responses for
feedback at future consultation.

Master Plan Vision:

“The Showgrounds will continue to embrace Nebo’s rich agricultural history and showcase our Region and its industries to the World. Our facilities are of a high standard to deliver quality events that attract visitors from across the broader greater Whitsunday area, Queensland and the Nation. Our venue offers facilities that are well-connected, multi-purpose, modern, adaptable and accessible that support dynamic event opportunities and the Nebo community”

A copy of the Nebo Masterplan can be found on the Isaac Regional Council website - CLICK HERE.


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