
Glencore Social Impact Assessment

December 17, 2020

Wall Planning Group is undertaking a Social Impact Assessment (SIA) for the Clermont Mine Closure Preparedness Project. The project includes ongoing collaboration with Glencore to design and deliver the SIA and Social Impact Management Plan (SIMP).

WPE recently commenced the social engagement activities, the comprehensive engagement included one on one consultation sessions, consultation workshops, a mine site tour and focus groups to understand the views of the community and inform Glencore’s Mine Closure preparedness plan. The purpose of the project is to identify the needs and concerns of the community and balance them with the potential opportunities of the project.

The goal of the SIA is to design a pathway to closure that seeks to mitigate the impacts of mine closure and provide positive community outcomes.

Our approach recognises the importance of sustainable business practices in order to achieve social and political permission. We have a deep understanding of complex projects in remote regions. Our success is demonstrated by our effective engagement with stakeholders and communities. Projects that recognise sustainability result in reduced risk and achieve social and political permission. We believe profitable long-term social, environmental and economic outcomes can be achieved when sustainable solutions are balanced against concerns and opportunities.


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