
5 Top Tips for Non-Resident Workers Accommodation

February 25, 2021

5 Top Tips for Non-Resident Workers Accommodation

Fun Fact: the Bowen Basin contains the largest coal reserve in Australia.  Did you know over 27 operating coal mines and four other resource projects are located in the Isaac Region representing 54% of Queensland’s saleable coal?

Wall Planning & Environmental Consulting has the inside word. Our Senior Planner, Nicole Hartney, recently joined us.  Nicole has dealt with a few non-resident workers accommodation applications and is well-versed with the communities in Isaac after working for 10 years with the Isaac Regional Council.

We can help you to achieve approval of your non-resident workers accommodation (NRWA) and ensure that it fits within the requirements of the NEW Isaac Region Planning Scheme (proposed to be adopted shortly).   https://www.isaac.qld.gov.au/planning-scheme-documents 1

Word is that whilst there are a number of existing approvals for NRWA in the Isaac Region, not all of the approvals have been implemented and therefore there is a shortage of rooms and demand for further accommodation.  An article published by Domain (7 Aug 2020) 2  refers to the remarkable recovery of property markets in Australian mining towns.  According to Domain, the Isaac region recorded a 32.5% increase to a median house price of $275,000 in the past year or so.  Moranbah saw house rents rise 21.2% to $400.

The Isaac Regional Council acknowledges that NRWA is a housing form which arises in response to the operational needs of industries in the region.  Council acknowledges that this form of development will continue to be present in the region in the future.

The proposed Isaac Regional Planning Scheme, refers to, “ non-resident workers accommodation is provided in response to a legitimate and demonstrated need.”    Further, the Planning Scheme, “ Council supports well designed and suitably located non-resident workforce accommodation…. Significant amounts of NRWA is constructed and approved in the region as indicated on the Strategic Framework Maps…New proposals must demonstrate need in the context of this supply”. 3

5 Top Tips for the approval of Non-Resident Workers Accommodation in the Isaac Region:

1. NEEDS ANALYSIS:   this is a requirement under the New Isaac Regional Planning Scheme.  A justification is required to demonstrate need in the context of the existing supply.  It is pertinent to set out an analysis of the NRWA that has been approved and implemented and how the provision of the accommodation will contribute to the regions’ economy.

2. INFRASTRUCTURE: the key consideration here is the cumulative impacts on established towns and communities including, social services and infrastructure.  Consideration of the impact on existing access and traffic routes, car parking and any FIFO (fly-in-fly-out) and BIBO (bus-in-bus-out) arrangements.

3. VISUAL AMENITY: contribution to the built form character and visual amenity so as to make a positive contribution and provide a high level of amenity for its occupants, particularly within the regions established towns and communities. Council particularly focuses on the aesthetics and impact on the existing streetscape.

4. SERVICES: the accommodation is required to be serviced by urban infrastructure and onsite commercial services and facilities where they do not impact upon the economy of the established community. The proposal should seek to fit into the surrounding community (where located within townships) and ensure impacts on social and community services are considered.

5. APPROVAL BY COUNCIL:   it is important to note, that in the Isaac Region, there are no delegations to the Planning Officers for NRWA, and all applications must be considered by full Council at a Council Meeting.


Contact us today and we can help to ensure that your Non-Resident Workforce Accommodation Proposal fits within the Planning Scheme and is approved by Council.

1 Within the Galilee Basin State Development Area (SDA), the  Coordinator-General  is the responsible approval body for any activities that require development approval.  Whereas, within the Isaac Region, any resident workers accommodation that is not located within a mining lease area is subject to approval by the  Isaac Regional Council .

2 https://www.domain.com.au/news/the-remarkable-recovery-of-property-markets-in-australian-mining-towns-973986/

2 Refer to Section – Non-residential workforce accommodation of the Proposed Isaac Regional Council Planning Scheme for criteria for Needs Assessment


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